Sign in For International Broadcasters, Distributors, Licensees DRAMA Boyfriend Calling! ボーイフレンド降臨!Kashiko and Wataru, two young women who graduated from the same high school but have gone their separate ways, are coincidentally reunited by a man with amnesia. Cast
Kaito Takahashi (髙橋海人(King & Prince))Yuki Sakurai (桜井ユキ) Minami Tanaka (田中みな実) Ken Miyake (三宅健) Ken Mitsuishi (光石研) Scenario Writer
Shigenori Tanabe (田辺茂範)Production Year
2022/10 -
Teen-ageMale / 20-34 Male / 35-49 Female / 20-34 Female /35-49 Duration & Episodes
60min×1, 30min×8