A brilliant mystery based on a million seller novel written by Misa Yamamura, the Agatha Christie of Japan: Katherine Turner initially accompanied her father, Vice President of the United States, on his official trip to Japan but decided to stay longer to study the Japanese art of flower arrangement for her business back in the States. Yukio Hamaguchi, Minister of Foreign Affairs and also a very good friend of Katherine’s father, assigns his nephew Ichiro to escort Katherine during her stay. Ichiro is halfhearted at first but when Katherine’s old friend Maiko becomes the victim of a murder case, Katherine and Ichiro start to reveal their talent as brilliant detectives by untangling clues and solving the case together.
Male / 20-34
Male / 35-49
Male / 50~
Female / 20-34
Female /35-49
Female /50~
Duration & Episodes
126min (2015), 130min (2016)
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