Sign in For International Broadcasters, Distributors, Licensees DRAMA Seven Detectives 刑事7人The thrill and excitements of the seven unique detectives taking on the challenges of atrocious and unsolved cases are here again as it starts its Season 5! The central figure is Amagi, a detective assigned to the “Criminal Data Department,” a huge data bank of the Metropolitan Police Department that stores, maintains, and manages investigation records. As he reads through all the records as his routine job, Amagi has become a “Walking Big Data of Crimes” himself. Recently, as crimes have become more complicated and sophisticated, the number of unsolved cases and criminal suspects at large continue to increase, and a “Special Investigation Team” was formed to recover the damaged reputation of the police. Amagi is a member of the team and conducts investigations not on police organizational logic but on his own independant judgment. With a strong passion for “justice,” the team of seven detectives remains to be the strongest team that continue to investigate and take on the challenges of heinous crimes all the way until they solve those tough cases.. Cast
Noriyuki Higashiyama (東山紀之)Seiichi Tanabe (田辺誠一) Kana Kurashina (倉科カナ) Jin Shirasu (白州迅) Takashi Tsukamoto (塚本高史) Kotaro Yoshida (吉田鋼太郎) Kinya Kitaoji (北大路欣也) Production Year
2019/07 -
Male / 20-34Male / 35-49 Male / 50~ Female / 20-34 Female /35-49 Female /50~ Duration & Episodes
75 episodes
SEASON 1: 54min x 8ep, 84min x 1ep (2015) SEASON 2: 54min x 8ep, 69min x 1ep (2016) SEASON 3: 54min x 7ep, 69min x 3ep (2017) SEASON 4: 54min x 8ep, 69min x 2ep (2018) SEASON 5: 54min x 8ep, 69min x 2ep (2019) SEASON 6: 54min × 7ep, 69min × 2ep (2021) SEASON 7: 54min × 7ep, 64min × 2ep (2021) SEASON 8: 54min × 7ep, 64min × 2ep (2022) Links
Official site (Japanese)