Sign in For International Broadcasters, Distributors, Licensees TV MOVIES Happy Retirement ハッピー・リタイアメントShintaro, an Assistant Bank Division Chief at the Financial Services Agency, had been working like a dog for 33 years. But just five years before he is due for retirement, his boss framed him for accepting bribes. Shintaro was forced to retire immediately and was parachuted into a public organization, JAMS (Japan Association of Medium and Small Enterprises). Instead of a happy retirement that he had dreamt of, his out-of-the-blue retirement triggers a complete family breakup. To everyone’s surprise, his job is “to do nothing” for an annual salary of ten million yen! Cast
Koichi Sato (佐藤浩市)Ken Ishiguro (石黒賢) Yuriko Ishida (石田ゆり子) Production Year
2015/10 -
Male / 35-49Male / 50~ Female /35-49 Female /50~ Duration & Episodes
130min (2015)