Sign in For International Broadcasters, Distributors, Licensees DRAMA Hello, I Love You はじめまして、愛しています。The theme is “Plenary Adoption” which makes you think about “What makes a real family”. A childless couple decides to adopt a five year old boy abandoned by his parents. It depicts the struggles and excitements of the couple as they go through the six months trial period to prove themselves as qualified parents. The boy does not smile nor speak and has no name to start with. He seems to have lost his feelings all together and nobody could figure out how to communicate with him. All the time the couple asks themselves if the adoption is the right decision. The drama carefully portrays all the subtle chemistries within the people’s hearts. Cast
Machiko Ono (尾野真千子)Yosuke Eguchi (江口洋介) Scenario Writer
Kazuhiko Yukawa (遊川和彦)Production Year
2016/07 -
Male / 20-34Male / 35-49 Male / 50~ Female / 20-34 Female /35-49 Female /50~ Duration & Episodes
54min x 8ep, 69min x 1ep (2016)