Sign in For International Broadcasters, Distributors, Licensees DRAMA Asuka High School March ! アスコーマーチOf the 148 new students at Asuka Kogyo High School, only 3 are girls! A girl decides to go to a technical high school that is predominantly boys because she fails to get into her first choice. Around her are sweaty and dirty boys, nothing close to what she imagined high school would be like. And while she is hesitant at first, she slowly begins to make friends in a testosterone-filled atmosphere. Emi Takei plays the lead role in a serial TV drama for the first time in her career. Cast
Emi Takei (武井咲)Tori Matsuzaka (松坂桃李) Kento Kaku (賀来賢人) Scenario Writer
Hayashi Mori (森ハヤシ)Production Year
2011/04 -
Teen-ageMale / 20-34 Male / 35-49 Female / 20-34 Female /35-49 Duration & Episodes
55min x 9ep (2011)