Sign in For International Broadcasters, Distributors, Licensees DRAMA REMAKE Second Love セカンド・ラブKei Taira is a contemporary dancer. He started working part-time jobs in Tokyo after a dance company he belonged to in Germany terminated his contract. He wants to return to Europe to dance, but has so far failed all his auditions. Kei was beginning to feel desperate about his situation when he noticed Yui Nishihara, a teacher at a school he happened to pass. He saw her walking along a corridor and instantly fell in love. One rainy day, he revisits the school and gives Yui his phone number. Yui is single and in her mid-thirties. She is having an affair with another teacher from her school and is worried about her future. She was surprised at Kei’s approach, but nonetheless attracted. She contacts him and they meet for the first time at a park at night. Kei dances for her and then asks her out. Cast
Kazuya Kamenashi (亀梨和也)Kyoko Fukada (深田恭子) Production Year
2015/02 -
Male / 20-34Male / 35-49 Female / 20-34 Female /35-49 Duration & Episodes
60min x 7ep (2015)