Sign in For International Broadcasters, Distributors, Licensees DRAMA Tokyo MPD - From ZERO to HERO 警視庁捜査一課長The title character, Junichi Oiwa, leads the most coveted section of Tokyo MPD as the head of over 400 elite detectives. He is present at all serious crime scenes, spearheading multiple investigation teams simultaneously by giving strategies to each team as well as conducting an investigation himself. He works under excessive mental pressure and in a physically demanding situation due to the sleepless megalopolis. He is a superhero, but what makes him unique is his down to earth style... he has worked his way up from scratch, zero, to the hero loved and respected by his colleagues. Cast
Takashi Naito (内藤剛志)Yuki Saito (斉藤由貴) Akio Kaneda (金田明夫) Production Year
2012/07 -
Weekly / SpecialTarget
Male / 20-34Male / 35-49 Male / 50~ Female / 20-34 Female /35-49 Female /50~ Duration & Episodes
52 episodes
114min × 1ep, 108min × 1ep, 54min × 9eps (2016) 108min × 2eps, 54min × 8eps (2017) 108min × 2eps, 54min × 8eps (2018) 108min × 1ep, 60min × 1ep, 54min × 14eps (2020) SPECIAL ① 111min (2012) / ② 126min (2013) / ③ 126min (2014) / ④ 126min (2015) / ⑤ 126min (2015) / ⑤ 112min (2018) Links
Official site (Japanese)